
Recyclable Wastes & Environmental Points Tally As Of June 11, 2022

Date Published: July 15, 2021

We are very much grateful for the continuous support shown by our loyal eco-warriors towards our advocacy of promoting segregation-at-source in every community! 🎉

With your help, we have been able to collect a total of 4,376.70kg of recyclable wastes, while rewarding each and every participant with Environmental Points (EP) amounting to a total of 72,025 EP. 📱♻️

Stay tuned for our TTCB Mart where you can redeem grocery essentials using your hard-earned Environmental Points (EP)! You may also order food, drinks, and more online from any bXTRA Partner Outlet via

Let's continue to help the environment through proper waste segregation in every home, barangay, office, establishment, or wherever you may be! 🏠🏢🏥🏨